Mainline Stoppages

Providing honest reliable service, installations and repairs

What are signs that my main line is clogged?

If you have a main line stoppage, you will usually notice it in the drains of fixtures that are closest to the ground: tub drains, stand alone shower drains, and toilets on the first floor. If you flush a toilet and see water coming up through your tub or shower drains, or if you take a shower or use a washing machine and hear your toilet making a gurgling sound or overflowing with water, than you probably a a stoppage in your main sewer line.

What causes a main line stoppage?

Essentially, main line stoppages are caused by any obstruction in your main line that prevents waste-water from draining normally. Common obstructions include grease and waste buildup in a bellied or offset section of pipe; tree roots and root balls; or mud buildup after a main line has snaps or rots all the way through.

How does total plumbing fix a main line stoppage?

How long does it take to fix a main line stoppage?

How long it takes John Moore to solve a main line stoppage issue all depends on what’s causing the stoppage and the type of solution you want. For an immediate fix, which is essentially poking a hole in the stoppage to allow water to drain, we may be able to complete in a day, depending on if we can poke a hole through the obstruction. Although this will allow water to drain in your home again, it’s likely that you will experience the same problem shortly after we leave.

A comprehensive solution to a main line stoppage- where we diagnose all problem areas and either repair, replace, or reroute you main line- can take a few days to a few weeks depending on how extensive the job is.

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